From the Principal’s Desk….

Sue Harris, Principal
From the Principal’s Desk….
Our staff is comprised of exceptionally talented educators who are committed to the educational achievement of our students. Our vision is to “use our passion for teaching and learning to inspire and support each other in becoming our best selves.” The term PRIDE in our motto, “Our Pride is Our Future” represents a pride (family) of lions and the realization that everyone’s future depends on our children getting the very best education possible. In addition, the acronym, PRIDE stands for our values: Perseverance, Respect, Intellectual growth, Diligence, and Empathy. It is our goal to provide an intellectually, physically and emotionally learning environment where students can thrive. We also realize that the middle school years can be challenging for students and parents. It is a time when learning becomes more abstract and students are expected to grapple with increasingly challenging content while navigating new friendships. Working together is the key!
Each year we update our goals and reflect on past initiatives while continuing to maintain our focus on climate, literacy and math. Building relationships is the key to a strong foundation for learning and that includes providing a warm, welcoming environment for every child. We continue to utilize “Mindfulness” strategies that provide students with time to center themselves so they can be focused and ready to learn. Literacy is evident in all classrooms as our students are reading, writing, listening, and speaking in relation to content specific literature. Mathematics is being taught using engaging hands on activities that require critical thinking skills to solve authentic, relevant problems. Students have BCPS devices so cell phones are not needed nor are they permitted to be used. Instead, students are here to engage with their teachers and other students in learning and all technology-related needs can be met via their BCPS issued device.
At Dumbarton Middle School we value your child and his/her instinctual desire to learn. We also realize that middle school aged students struggle with social, emotional anxieties and peer pressure. Dumbarton staff members strive each day to create a positive, inclusive learning environment that focuses on building healthy relationships among students, families and all school staff. This creates an atmosphere that makes children feel safe and valued which enables them to be more interested and prepared to learn.
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